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dc.contributor.authorRahimi, Khosro-
dc.contributor.authorSarvestani, Mohammad Hadi Fatehi-
dc.contributor.authorSharifara, Ehsan-
dc.identifier.citationKhosro, Rahimi Optimum formulation of asp for injection in oil reservoir / R. Khosro, H. F. Mohammad, S. Ehsan // Розвідка та розробка нафтових і газових родовищ. - 2013. - № 1. - C. 162-166.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractПроведено аналіз оптимального складу інгібіторів корозії ASP для нагнітання у нафтовий пласт. Звертається увага на проблему додавання води в нафтовий резервуар, що є, на думку автора, єдиним методом відновлення тиску в резервуарі.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractEnhanced Oil Recovery is not a new process and it has been utilized by the Oil and Gas industry for several decades, particularly in the use of water flooding as a secondary recovery measure to ensure maintenance of reservoir pressure.1Adding water to an oil reservoir may seem an odd thing to do- anything added to the reservoir should aid in maintaining reservoir pressure, so why add water, as oil and water do not mix? The problem is that most oil reservoirs are solution gas driven, this means that as the oil is produced the reservoir pressure is reduced and the gas that was held in solution is released and expands. This process drives the oil to the producing wells, however the gas is also free to flow and be produced. Once the gas is produced, the reservoir's energy is lost and reservoir pressure is reduced. If this process is the only method of recovery, it will only yield up to 20% of the reservoirs total volume.uk_UA
dc.subjectінгібітор корозіїuk_UA
dc.subjectнафтовий резервуарuk_UA
dc.subjectповерхнево-активні полімериuk_UA
dc.subjectлужні поверхневі полімериuk_UA
dc.subjectcorrosion inhibitoruk_UA
dc.subjectoil reservoiruk_UA
dc.subjectsurfactant-polymer floodinguk_UA
dc.subjectalkaline surfactant polymeruk_UA
dc.titleOptimum formulation of asp for injection in oil reservoiruk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Розвідка та розробка нафтових і газових родовищ - 2013 - №1

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