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Назва: Управління капіталом бренду підприємства на роздрібному ринку нафтопродуктів
Інші назви: Managing Brand Equity of Enterprises On The Retail Market Of Petroleum Products
Автори: Малинка, О. Я.
Ключові слова: бренд
"ДНК" бренду
капітал бренду
управління капіталом бренду
оцінка капіталу бренду
"ДНК" бренда
капитал бренда
управление капиталом бренда
оценка капитала бренда
brand "DNA"
brand equity
brand equity management
brand equity evaluation
Дата публікації: 2010
Видавництво: Івано-Франківський національний технічний університет нафти і газу
Бібліографічний опис: Малинка, Оксана Ярославівна Управління капіталом бренду підприємства на роздрібному ринку нафтопродуктів : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. екон. наук : спец. 08.00.04 "Економіка та управління підприємствами (нафтова і газова промисловість)" / О. Я. Малинка ; Івано-Франків. нац. техн. ун-т нафти і газу. - Івано-Франківськ, 2010. - 18 с. - 14-15.
Короткий огляд (реферат): В результаті критичного аналізу наукових підходів визначено суть понять "бренд" і "капітал бренду". Запропоновано модель структурної побудови бренду, в основі якої лежить "ДНК"-підхід. Розроблено теоретичну модель процесу управління капіталом бренду. Проаналізовано процес управління капіталом брендів підприємств роздрібного ринку нафтопродуктів України. Розроблено концептуальну модель оцінювання ефективності управління капіталом бренду (на рівні субстанції, будови, функціонування і розвитку). Запропоновано системну оцінку капіталу бренду (на основі "ДНК "-підходу та вимірювання вартості капіталу бренду). Адаптовано метод критичних ключових факторів успіху для управління капіталом бренду. Розроблено економіко-математичну модель управління капіталом бренду за критерієм максимальної прибутковості діяльності підприємства, яка дає змогу приймати обґрунтовані управлінські рішення щодо витрат на створення і підтримку капіталу бренду на основі прогнозованих обсягів продажів.
3 результате критического анализа научных подходов определено понятий "бренд" и "капитал бренда". Предложена модель структурного построения бренда, основой которой является "ДНК"-подход. Разработана теоретическая модель процесса управления капиталом бренда. Проанализирован процесс управления капиталом брендов предприятий розничного рынка нефтепродуктов Украины. Разработана концептуальная модель оценивания эффективности управления капиталом бренда (на уровне субстанции, построения, функционирования и развития). Предложена системная оценка капитала бренда (на основе "ДНК"-подхода и измерения стоимости капитала бренда). Проиллюстрировано применение метода критических ключевых факторов успеха для управления капиталом бренда. Разработана экономико-математическая модель управления капиталом бренда по критерию максимальной прибыльности деятельности предприятия, которая дает возможность принимать обоснованные управленческие решения относительно расходов на создание и поддержку капитала бренда, учитывая прогнозируемые объемы продаж.
The thesis is devoted to the study of theoretical and applied aspects of managing brand equity of enterprises on the retail market of petroleum products. As a result of critical analysis of scientific approaches, the definition of such notions as "brand" and "brand equity", is suggested, namely: brand is a unique form of information representation, which provides, creates and develops mutually beneficial relationships on the market and encourages exchanges and transactions; brand equity is an additional value, that brand components are able to create on a certain market segment. The structural model of brand building, based on the "DNA"-approach, is suggested. The model considers seven basic components of a brand (identity), that together with brand attributes form brand "DNA" which is a system representation, the concept of a brand. The value of brand is directly related to the content of its "DNA". The theoretical model of brand equity management process, based on the system approach, is developed. It contains the following subsystems: "X" - the target subsystem (the creation of an additional product value), which illustrates the management cycle; "Y" - the providing subsystem (key success factors which help achieve goals); XY - the legislative subsystem, which will identify and establish "rules of the game" of the company on competitive markets; "Z" - the control subsystem, which reflects general brand management functions on the background of the experience (memory). These subsystems can be evaluated with parameters, indicators, criteria of brand equity management. On the basis of the analysis of practical aspects of brand equity management, taking into account the specifics of the retail market of petroleum of Ukraine, it is established that the relevance of brands in Ukraine is closely connected to the notion of “liquidity of a brand”. Indeed, brands are valuable intangible assets, and their valuation at present is of no less importance than the estimate of a company’s cash flow. However, branding is a long process, and many local entrepreneurs avoid it and don’t even realize the importance and value of a brand. Speaking about the definition of brand equlti which is the indicator of cost effectiveness and of business functioning as a whole, we must remark that in Ukraine financial and legal aspects of brand estimate prevait. Most companies do not define the basic parameters of brand equity at every stage of its lyfe cycle to determine effective managing strategies. The lack of formalization in the practice of brand management in Ukraine causes many problems. A study of brands that are represented on the retail market of petroleum products in Ukraine is held, and brand equity management process (on the example of brand "OKKO" which belongs to the concern "Galnal'togaz") is analyzed. It was found out that brand equity of "OKKO" is formed through developing the identity, which components influence consumer choice, creation of attractive attributes, the implementation of marketing programs targeted at a specific element of marketing complex, and involvment of secondary associations which are aimed at reinforcing key marketing programs. Concern "Galnaftogaz", to which is brand "OKKO" belongs, understands the importance of creating a strong brand. However, the system activity of brand equity management in the company is missing. The conceptual model for the evaluation of the effectiveness of brand equity management (at the level of substance, structure, functioning and development) is developed. At the level of substance the state of brand "DNA" is diagnosed; at the level of structure - the structure of brand is examined (the effect created by the components of brand identity); at the level of functioning the set of indicators of "brand health" (brand indices) that allow to determine the nature of the connection between brand and its consumers, and reflect the quality and dynamics of such relationship, is estimated; at the level of development the life cycle of brand is studied and the priorities of brand development are identified. The system estimation of brand equity (based on the "DNA"-approach and on the measurement of brand equity) is suggested. Concerning "DNA"-approach, a number of tools and methods which enable to evaluate the sources of brand equity (the effect created by each component of brand identity) are suggested. Based on the systematization of existing approaches to the estimation of brand equity value, an approach which translates "consumer nature" of a brand into the monetary form, is suggested. The usage of method of critical success factors for managing brand equity is illustrated. It allowed to consider the company not only in terms of actions that take place there, but also of processes that lead to the successful implementation of brand mission, which are critical, key success factors. As a result, certain critical actions are highlighted, which should be taken into account during practical work concerning brand management improvement, since key success factors depend on them, as well as brand mission fulfillment as a whole. For each critical action a profile is built, research and measurement are held, and recommendations are suggested, aimed at improving its performance. The economic and mathematical model of brand equity management on the criterion of maximum profitability of the enterprise is developed, which enables to make effective decisions concerning costs for the creation and maintaining of brand equity on the basis of predicted sales.
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